Lower back exercises

Below are videos of the lower back exercises found on whyiexercise.com. The videos are organized by level of difficulty, with the easiest being first. Each video is about 1 minute long. Follow the onscreen tips so that you will get the greatest benefit from these exercises.

#1  Airplaning

#2 The Dart

#3 Bridging

#4 Superman

#5 Swimming

*Note: There are many exercises on this site that work multiple areas of the body at once. As an example, Bridging works the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles. 

Concentration and muscular control are the keys to getting the most benefit from these exercises. For example, Airplaning, the first exercise, works best when you think of your back as a tabletop. During the arm and leg movements, keep your back totally still as if you could balance a glass of wine on top. Follow the onscreen tips in the videos closely for best results.

Also, there are 2 articles which group these exercises into 15 minute workouts. The articles include detailed illustrations and more specific instructions. See below for more information.

Back strengthening exercises
This article combines the first 3 exercises above with 4 core strengthening exercises. This gives you a complete routine that helps you develop a strong, balanced midsection. Strengthen the deep muscle layers that support the spine, including the back muscles and all 4 abdominal muscle groups. 

Pilates sample exercises
This article takes the back strengthening exercises to the next level. Develop even greater muscular control to enhance your posture and improve the tone and balance in your midsection. The 'Swimming' exercise above is combined with challenging core strengthening exercises to create the workout.

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